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Pacific Northwest Writing Centers Association

Virtual Conference

April 18 - 23 2021



A Preface to the Call For Proposals...

In late 2019, the PNWCA conference planning committee eagerly envisioned a spring conference with space as the theme. The conference proposal went out, we received submissions, and—like many conference planners around the world—we had to make a tough decision. We simply couldn’t move forward with the conference.

Administrators and tutors left our centers, bags packed with what we thought we’d need for a short stint of working from home. We carried with us our laptops and webcams, file folders, and books. From our home offices, dining tables, and living rooms we scrambled to go fully online. We joined the ranks of our writing center colleagues as we leaned in to what we all called the "new normal." 

A year later, still in our homes, we are once again planning a conference: one to be held fully online. We can’t help but consider the irony of our theme as we move forward with planning. When considering writing centers, our “spaces” exist far beyond our physical location. The past year has given us pause to consider the notion of space even more deeply.

During the initial planning of this conference, we thought of where writing centers exist: in brick and mortar and internet ether. We thought of how we extend our reach into the classroom and the offices and meeting rooms of campus stakeholders. We continue to consider these existences and we carry into our communal and theoretical spaces the true resilience and adaptability of writing centers.

Read the Call for Proposals here

Conference Co-Chairs

Brooklyn Walter,  Washington State University
Erik Echols, University of Washington Bothell
Kim Sharp, Shoreline Community College 

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